Dungeon Robber!

Nyt kaikki pelaamaan Dungeon Robberia, joka on flashilla tehty OD&D-peli! Kyseessä on Gygaxin OD&D-satunnaistaulukoihin perustuva luolastogeneraattori, joka luo luolaston käytävineen, huoneineen, hirviöineen ja aarteineen. Dungeon Robberia pelatessa tulee tietyllä tapaa pelanneeksi Gary Gygaxin koodaamaa tietokoneroolipeliä, joka on omalla kieroutuneella tavallaan aika siisti juttu.

Dungeon Robber on Blog of Holdingia kirjoittavan Paul Hughesin käsialaa ja se hyödyntää aikaisemmin julisteena julkaistua Random Dungeon Generatoria. Gygaxin taulukoiden tietokoneversion lisäksi pelissä on toimiva kaupunkiruutu, jossa voi mm. rakentaa uusia rakennuksia ja saada käyttöön uusia hahmoluokkia. Tässä Dungeon Robberin ominaisuuksia Paulin omin sanoin:

  • You can get yourself a pet. Unlike Nethack, you don’t start with a kitten or puppy. You have to earn it. If you find a whip, you might be able to tame a giant lizard or a carrion crawler. Some characters might one day gain the capability to raise undead minions. Or, if you prefer human henchmen, you might be able to hire them back in town – once you’ve built an inn. Speaking of which:
  • Unlike many roguelikes, you can leave the dungeon and return to town. The town’s economy is dependent on your success in the dungeon. When you start, there’s not much available besides a handful of weapons for sale at the market, a graveyard to commemorate all your dead characters, and a few other buildings. But as your characters loot the dungeon and retire as independent yeomen, wealthy bishops, or even nobility, new buildings will spring up, and new treasures will become available for sale for new characters.
  • The Dungeon Robber game is about what happens before your first game of Dungeons and Dragons, before your character has fighter or wizard skills and can afford decent equipment. But if you’re successful enough to retire as a merchant, a thieves guild moves to town. If you retire as a knight, you’ll be able to start your next game as a fighter. Eventually, when you’ve unlocked the four original D&D classes and starting equipment, you’re actually playing D&D.

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