L’Île Mysterieuse: Weapons and armor

WEAPONS AND ARMOR ARMOR AND SHIELDS ITEM AC PRIZE WEIGHT SPECIAL Helmet – 10gp 1/3 Can not use ranged weapons at long range, surprise -1, fortitude saving throw against critical hits. Shield AC+1 10gp 1 – Gambeson AC+1 10gp 1 Can be combined with other armor sets Leather armor AC2 20gp 2 – Hide armor… Continue reading L’Île Mysterieuse: Weapons and armor

L’Île Mysterieuse: Equipment

ENCUMBRANCE Encumbrance is designated in encumbrance points. A character can carry as many encumbrance points as their strength score without any penalties. When carrying encumbrance points up to two times their strength score, characters are considered encumbered, which gives them a 50 % slower movement score, makes them automatically surprised and gives them an initiative… Continue reading L’Île Mysterieuse: Equipment

L’Île Mysterieuse: Character Classes

CHARACTER GENERATION Roll 3d6 for each ability in order. Re-roll characters without a positive ability bonus. 3d6 x 20gp of starting gold. Characters start with maximum HP at first level. AC is 10+dex+armor. Characters start play with a shared mule, one weeks worth of iron rations / pc and a ten man tent. ABILITIES Strength:… Continue reading L’Île Mysterieuse: Character Classes

L’Île Mystérieuse

On vuosi 1650 eteläisellä Tyynellä valtamerellä. Ranskalainen sota-alus Lune on juuri laskenut ankkuriin toistaiseksi tuntemattoman tulivuorisaaren liepeille. Aluksen mukana kulkee tutkimusretkikunta, jonka tietojen mukaan saarella pitäisi pulputa tarunhohtoinen Ikuisen elämän lähde. Retkikunnan johtaja Maître Helyot le Tellier, d’Aizenayn markiisi, lähettää maihin pieniä tutkimuspartioita tavoitteenaan kartoittaa saari ja sen omituiset eliömuodot, sekä löytää tarunhohtoinen taikalähde. Rantahietikolle… Continue reading L’Île Mystérieuse